I have a Moby Wrap that we bought locally at Austin Baby. It's taken a little practice to get the wrapping part down, and I still can't wrap it as pretty as the people on the Moby website, but I can do it in just a couple of minutes and get Luke in it nice and snug. I've used it every evening to take the dogs out for their PM potty break, and wear it for a little while after that to load up the dishwasher, fold some laundry, or just "hold" Luke hands-free while I catch up on my friends on Facebook. Luke mostly sleeps in it, and when he starts wiggling and making noise it's usually because he needs a diaper change or he's hungry. He seems to be very comfortable with hanging out in the sling.

I did feel a little self-conscious wearing the wrap, but this is Austin and people wear much weirder things at the grocery store. I'm feeling more comfortable with it every day, and I think it will be a great investment as long as my shoulders and back can handle the weight of this growing boy!
(Apologies for the terrible picture - I was sort of shooting and running through the produce department!)
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