However, I did tweet my way through part of labor, beginning the night before Luke arrived when my labor induction was begun, and after Luke's arrival (not the part where I was having the C-section, of course):
Been at the hospital for about 2 hours now. Apparently I'm actually having contractions and just didn't know it. Plans may change! #fbBy the way, I hate having an IV. Never had one before and it sucks, big time. #fb
I've been dosed w/Cervidil (instead of Cytotec) and the nurse just told me I'm "contracting right along." Ambien + sleep soon. #fb - Baby's heartbeat on top; contractions on the bottom. #fb
Kind of awake... slept pretty well, considering. Mom and Jake got in about 2 hrs ago. Ryan is sawing logs after a restless night. #fb - Breakfast of champions! #fbTook a shower, 2 laps around the L&D ward and now I'm watching Golden Girls with my new frenemy, Pitocin. #fb@ryanloyd - Ryan is an awesome coach!!Epidurals really do rock. I think I'll go back to sleep for a while. Wake me up when it's time to push... #fbAt last check, dilated 4. Baby's head seems to be moving down. Ryan is catching some well-deserved ZZZs and I'm going to do the same! #fb5 cm/80% effaced. Made 1 cm progress in an hour, so that's good news! Let's go, cervix! #fb
Still hanging out, hoping my cervix gets down to business. If I haven't progressed next time they check me, they're talking C-section. #fbRT @ryanloyd: - Introducing Luke Isaac Loyd!!!!! 7 lb 3 oz 21 in 8:21 pm #fb
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