Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve 2010

We had a pretty low-key Christmas celebration at home on the 23rd.
Luke got lots of art supplies to go with his new art easel...

...lots of new clothes...
...a mug... hey, wait, that's Mommy's mug!
...a new soccer ball (or is that football?) from our friend Chris...

...and a new percussion set! We must be crazy! Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa visits KVUE

Every year, Santa Claus comes to KVUE, where Sarah works, to tape a special Christmas show that airs on Christmas Eve. All of the kids at the station and their families get to come for the taping, which means Ryan got to sneak behind enemy lines and enjoy some holiday cheer.

Everything went really well, as you can see above, until Sarah got the bright idea to take away Luke's candy cane...

...which did not go over very well.
I believe he's giving Mommy the evil eye here. Yep, moral of the story - taking candy away from a baby is HARD. And will result in an hour-long meltdown. Don't do it.
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